Intellicheck, Inc. (NASDAQ:IDN) Q4 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Jeff Van Rhee: Yes, yes. I mean you’re giving thought to obviously the annual guide. I mean, how do you tackle that? How do you think about retail scans for ’24 at this point?

Bryan Lewis: Look, I think that if this trend continues, I don’t see it diving much more values. And it could be that people spend a lot of money, who knows, on Christmas this year and holidays, and they’re now sitting back for a while. I don’t let something really crazy happens in the economy. Everything I’m reading is saying, retail is slightly off, but they don’t expect it to take a header. So I don’t see it getting much worse than where we are now. And if anything, potentially approving once we get out of Q1, and maybe people start to think about spending money more.

Jeff Van Rhee: Got it. And Jeff, the RPOs, I know it’s in the Qs and Ks. I don’t know if you have that handy.

Jeff Ishmael: I don’t — not in front of me, Scott.

Jeff Van Rhee: Jeff, but that’s all right.

Jeff Ishmael: I’m sorry. Yes, I’m sorry. No, I don’t — actually, that’s probably the one piece of data I don’t have in front of me, but I’ll make sure I have that prepared on next call.

Operator: We’ve reached the end of our question-and-answer session. And with that, I would like to turn the floor back over to Mr. Bryan Lewis for closing comments.

Bryan Lewis: Thank you, operator. So I’d say in closing, 2023 was a year of change in growth for us. Everything from a new CTO, new channel partner program, new Vice President of Marketing. What I’m happy about is we continue to build the strength of our organization. And I think the changes that we have made, you can see it already have an impact on cost productivity and new sales to be implemented in this year. And as I told everybody before, we’re continually analyzing our performance, and we don’t hesitate to make changes where we think it will accelerate growth or reduce costs. Caring for the bottom line requires that we constantly raise the bar against we measure ourselves in our progress, which we do. And if everybody asks, are you satisfied with where you are and I would say, no, but I am a pragmatist.

I understand that the large deals and the organizations that we deal with that can benefit so much from our services, has multiple structural channels that we have to get through before they can integrate a new process and service. So while — and we totally wish that there are ways to streamline the implementation, and we work with our clients to do that. We recognize that it might take a while but these partnerships that these… [Technical Difficulty]

Operator: Ladies and gentlemen, please stand by. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for standing by. Mr. Lewis, please continue.

Bryan Lewis: Well, sorry about that for everybody. Got to love it when your call says, call failed. So just to end, when I say these big deals take a long time, they also have a lot of value and a lot of long-term benefits. So we feel that they’re worth it, also while we changed the business model and make sure we also get every single and double out there. So again, my thanks for joining us today. We really anticipate more good news to come, and we look forward to sharing with it all with you. So have an excellent night.

Operator: This concludes today’s teleconference. You may disconnect your lines at this time. Thank you for your participation.

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