IntelGenx Technologies Corp. (PNK:IGXT) Q4 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Dwight Gorham: Andre, do you want to take that?

André Godin: Yes . Thanks. Yes, we started the process, and it’s a digital offering. So it’s mostly happening online. And the subscription, everything can be done online. So there’s a lot of newsletter articles that will be published. I mean most of the action or the main spending or exposure will happen in the next, I would say, 2, 3 weeks. But there is a possibility to have a role in closing, which means we won’t wait until we reach our objective. Our objective is anywhere between $10 million and $20 million. We might close when we reach $2 million or $3 million, that’s the plan anyway. So we have 12 months. But the plan is to probably get everything done by August, latest September. So — but as soon as we have made let’s say, $2 million, $3 million, we would make a first closing and then continue the process and then close another one. So we — there is no limit as to how many closing we can do.

Unidentified Analyst: Okay. And then I guess, is there any way to provide just more color on the CDMO stuff? Like what kind of some of the potential partnerships and whatnot will entail? Like is that just packaging their products? Or is that doing R&D for them? Or how does that work?

Dwight Gorham: The CDMO specifically is focused on doing the initial development work with the customers and then keeping the manufacturing rights going forward. So the ones that we’re in conversation with are all specific molecules where we will do the vast majority of the development work. They’ll do the registrations and we’ll keep the manufacturing rights.

Unidentified Analyst: Okay. And then are there any products from might get launched in the next year or 2? Or do you think it’s further out than that? If some of the deals go through.

Dwight Gorham: I think they’re further out than that. The big deal in the short term for commercial is RIZA and the Belbuca. Those are the 2 major focus points on commercial sales. And then the other part is building up the development side of the revenue base that ensures we have a manufacturing platform going forward.

Unidentified Analyst: Okay. And then on the manufacturing side, do you have like a relative revenue amount kind of that we could pull in with this before expanding maybe on like an annual basis?

Dwight Gorham: I’m going to refer back to Andre’s point, that we don’t give forward speculation on the sales. So at this point, I’m not in a position to actually make that comment.

Unidentified Analyst: Okay. I think that’s all I have for right now. Thank you.

Operator: Your next question is a follow-up question from Hugh Kyle.

Unidentified Analyst: Last one way, Dwight, I promise you, is any [indiscernible] got to keep a tab of my questions. Any update of investment houses issuing a research report based upon the good progress you made over the past couple of years and the path forward?

Dwight Gorham: At this point, I’m not aware of that, Hugh. Maybe Andre is, but I am not. And I think the real focus on management is stick to the knitting, drive the commercial line and fill up the development portfolio for future years of manufacturing. So that’s what we’re really focused on. But I’ve not heard that any analyst is going to pick this up yet.

Operator: We have reached the end of the question-and-answer session, and I will now turn the call over to Dwight for closing remarks.

Dwight Gorham: Yes. Thank you very much for all of the questions. Hopefully, the answers provided a certain amount of guidance to you. This concludes our fourth quarter and full year 2023 investor call update. I would once again like to thank the entire IntelGenx team for its hard work and dedication, our Board of Directors for their continued support of the management team and finally, our investors for continuing to believe in and supporting us. Thank you, and goodbye.

Operator: This concludes today’s conference, and you may disconnect your lines at this time. Thank you for your participation.

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