Insider Trading: Steven R. Walker, Aldo C. Zucaro, James C. Hellauer, And John M. Dixon Bought More $ORI

Steven R. Walker, Aldo C. Zucaro, James C. Hellauer, and John M. Dixon each made several insider purchases in Old Republic International Corp (ORI) after the second quarter. These four people are Old Republic’s insiders and each owns some ORI shares. According to SEC disclosures, Steven R. Walker serves as Old Republic’s director. He made 3 purchases with a total of 10 thousand shares in ORI after the second quarter, and now owns 18.83 thousand ORI shares; Aldo C. Zucaro is the CEO and chairman in ORI, and he owns 1.1 million shares in the stock after bought 40 thousand shares; James C. Hellauer is also a director in the company. He bought 8 thousand shares and has about 21 thousand shares; John M. Dixon serves as director and slightly bought 900 shares, giving him about 18 thousand shares in ORI.

Based on Insider Monkey’s hedge fund database, twelve hedge funds reported their positions in ORI in the second quarter. Alan Fournier’s Pennant Capital Management had 5 million shares and was ORI’s largest hedge fund stakeholder at that time. Ric Dillon’s Diamond Hill Capital had 4.47 million shares. Chuck Royce’s Royce & Associates had 2.24 million shares.


The following biographies are based on Forbes.

Steven R. Walker serves as director in Old Republic since 2006. He brings significant experience to the board as both an attorney and a business manager during a long career focused on the title insurance industry.

Aldo C. Zucaro is the chairman of the board and CEO of the company for more than the past five years. He brings the company a significant background as a former insurance specialist partner with Coopers & Lybrand, and long term experience with the insurance industry since 1970.

James C. Hellauer serves as a director since May 2005. He has financial, strategic planning and leadership experience as the former CFO and CEO of Provident American Corporation, and the former Chief Executive Officer of Environmental Technologies, Inc.

John M. Dixon serves as director since 2003. He formerly worked as Chief Executive Partner with the law firm of Chapman and Cutler, Chicago, Illinois until 2002. He has extensive background of corporate law and the risk factors of corporations as an attorney.

Old Republic International Corp engages in insurance underwriting business. The company operates in General Insurance segment, Mortgage Guaranty segment, and Title Insurance segment. The company also offers escrow closing and construction disbursement services, real estate information products, national default management services, and real estate transfers and loan transactions related services. The company provides its services and products mainly through insurance agents, brokers, and through direct sales. The company was founded in 1887 and is based Chicago, Illinois.