Innovid Corp. (NYSE:CTV) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript

And to your last question, absolutely 100% what you’re seeing on the top line is a factor of macroeconomics, because if you look at the old core KPIs, retention of key core clients, and the amount of core clients, we close more logos in Q4, and in Q1, we retained a lot of them. We are upsetting more, our NRR even for last year was 111%. We believe — so, all this — there’s — strategically Andrew asked about Google and the DOJ, which is the Google is the biggest source of market share for us. So currently we’re not aware of any macro dynamics that will impact our internal KPIs. But when because we are pure software, and we’re not a media business, we don’t have a lot of margin to play with, we’re not buying and selling, we’re selling software.

So — and it’s based on volume. So once volume goes down, because spend goes down, it impacts our top line. Once it goes up, it will improve not just the top line, but the way we configure the company this point dramatically our bottom line.

Shyam Patil: Thank you. And then I had a quick follow-up. It seems like this morning to kind of earnings reports, not just this quarter, but over the past couple of quarters, connected TV and retail media are the two biggest trends in media right now. Certainly connected TV you guys are very well-positioned to kind of all know how you guys are involved there. But regarding retail media, how does that — how — can you talk about how that could be an opportunity for you guys? Or how you feel about that opportunity going forward?

Zvika Netter: Sure. I have my Co-Founder, Tal here, which I’m sure we love to answer that. Tal?

Tal Chalozin: Sure. Thank you very much, Zvika and thank you Shyam for the call. Yes, you’re absolutely correct. As you’ve seen from many other players in the in the space, CTV is clearly the biggest trend in media followed by retail media. And we’ve been saying it for a very long time. Something interesting to see is that as we’ve shown software can really make an impact in television, same goes for retail media. So far all of the focus has been other companies has been on the media targeting space. But obviously retail media can play a lot in measurement, by virtue of the big data for better outcome. And on personalization, in a shape of over more personal life, commercial leveraging the data of a weaker media network. We’ve spoken in the past about strong partnerships we have with Target, leveraging Innovid for personalization, we spoke last quarter about retailers such as eBay, leveraging InnovidXP for better measurement.

And we’re going to share a lot more in the future on that line. But we’re absolutely aligned. The CTV and retail media network are great utilization of how software is going to innovate the media.

Shyam Patil: Got it. Thank you guys.

Operator: Thank you. We do have a follow-up coming from Shyam Patil of Susquehanna. Please go ahead.

Shyam Patil: Yes. Hey, guys. I had a few follow ups as well, if it’s okay, if I ask these. On connected TV, I guess it’s kind of an industry question as well as Innovid question. How do we see kind of the use of alternative IDs or IDs in general, or maybe broader not just targeting, things like their changes going on in the industry where some of the walled gardens that exist in CTV, you may try to hold back some data that was previously available for targeting. So I’m just curious what you guys see happening there and how you think Innovid is positioned to capitalize on that or take advantage of any situation that may come up.

Zvika Netter: Tal, do you want to take this question?