INmune Bio, Inc. (NASDAQ:INMB) Q2 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Why make new NK cells when the patient has plenty. INKmune converts the own — the patient’s own NK cells into cancer killing memory-like NK cells, that are present for months after in INKmune therapy. And it does this in the patient’s circulation without the need for complex, manufacturing or concomitant cytokines supplementation. Finally, INKmune primed NK cells survive and thrive and kill cancer, in the hostile tumor microenvironment of solid tumors. You can’t control cancer, if the cells can’t play on cancer’s turf. INKmune primed NK cells thrive in that environment. So these are the reasons why INKmune should succeed in solid tumors and why others are stuck treating hematologic malignancies. I remind you that 90% of cancers are solid tumors.

When we have the data to support this bold talk, well, because the CARE-PC trial, which is the open-label Phase 1, Phase 2 trial, if it is open-label, we should be able to see snippets of patient responses during 2024 and you will care about them. Our corporate focus is in delivering Phase 2 data with XPro in Alzheimer’s disease and INKmune and prostate cancer. We are positioning other valuable assets in our pipeline such as MBO3 and DN-TNF for DMD for partnering. Our goal is to partner seeing these promising assets to allow them to be to benefit patients while providing non-dilutive capital for the development of our core assets. On behalf of Mark and David, CJ, Terra, the entire INmune team, we thank you for your support, your continued support.

And we look forward to speaking to you in the near future and providing further updates. Thank you. With that, we will conclude the call.

Operator: Ladies and gentlemen, that does conclude today’s teleconference. You may disconnect your lines at this time. Thank you for your participation. And have a great day.

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