GoDaddy Inc. (NYSE:GDDY) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript

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Christie Masoner: Our next question comes from the line of Mark Mahaney from Evercore ISI. Mark, please go ahead.

Mark Mahaney: Thanks. The increased disclosure is a good thing. So, thanks for doing that and doing it quarterly going forward. You talked about marketing launch for payables domain in the U.S., you provide any more color on that? And then any color on the timing for international Payable Domains enablement? Thank you.

Aman Bhutani: Yeah, thanks, Mark. The marketing launch starts in about 2 weeks with some PR, and you’ll start to see Payable Domains really show up in a lot of our marketing collateral, including the site today, you can get to Payable Domains in fact, I think I’ve talked about it in the past that just given our large size of domains under management, we had to roll this out. So we could support all different kinds of domains. We’re ready with that in the U.S. Now we’re just going to bring it to the site, bring it into our marketing bring it into our merchandising and promotions, so that every customer new and existing is able to see it, and in this start to connect the dots for them so that they start to understand what a Payable Domain is.

In terms of international, obviously, we feel this product is very global, just like a domain name Payable Domain with appealing, because just should work everywhere in the world, but no specific timing on international rollout just yet.

Mark Mahaney: Okay. Thank you, Aman.

Aman Bhutani: Thank you, Mark.

Christie Masoner: Our next question comes from the line of from Jefferies on behalf of Brent Thill. John, please go ahead. Hey, John, you’re muted.

Aman Bhutani: John?

Unidentified Analyst: Sorry about that, I guess, now unmuted. Thanks. This is John on behalf of Brent Thill. The first question on the FIS Worldpay, is there when you think about when that is scaled, what sort of impact they might have on gross margin and operating margin?

Mark McCaffrey: Yes. So as we think it’s going to start to have impact in 2023, as we hit certain milestones, now it’ll be relatively small within 2023, but it’ll give us momentum going into 2024. We expect it to be accretive to our margins overall, our operating margins. Again, as we start to scale, and the breadth of the relationship is just not about a transactional, but it’s hardware/software leads to other fees, and then leads to our ability to attach Websites + Marketing and Managed WordPress, that should give us the ability to get operating leverage and improve our operating margins down the road. We’re very excited about this. It’s a very broad relationship. Again, it’s focused on the U.S. right now. But we think the opportunity to go global on it overall is going to be exciting moving forward.

Unidentified Analyst: Great. Thank you. And then, we’re about halfway through Q1. I’m wondering, what you see in terms of the environment, in terms of the activity and demand trends? And does it feel like it’s similar to Q4? Are you starting to see any recovery at all with new customer base? Thank you.

Aman Bhutani: Yeah, I think, the word that we’ve used in the past continues to work, which is €“ we continue to see sort of uncertainty around what’s going to happen. There is no large fluctuation. But even when we look at the geographies, when we look at certain products that we sell, we do see trends that are different from what we’ve seen in the long-term. And, right now, in any one geography, a trend can change very, very quickly. But, overall, I’d say over the last couple of quarters were €“ looking into Q1, we’re seeing some core stability, which is ultimately a good thing.

Mark McCaffrey: Yeah, it’s €“ we still think that the large opportunity is out there for us to go gather, obviously, we’re assuming the macro environment stays muted a bit as we go into 2023. And, again, coming back to one of my previous answers, different parts of our business are impacted differently in this environment, and we continue to see that and monitor that. We’ve talked about aftermarket, we’ve continued to see €“ not seeing the large transactions related to aftermarket. So that is something that has continued into 2023. On the other hand, we see greater attach around commerce, and we’re seeing the trend continue to grow throughout the year. So we’re excited about things going in to the rest of the year. However, we’re acknowledging that some of these may take some time to develop as we reset our bookings into revenue or under subscription business. Thank you.

Unidentified Analyst: Thank you.

Christie Masoner: Our next question comes to the line of Deepak Mathivanan from Wolfe Research. Deepak, please go ahead.

Deepak Mathivanan: Hey, guys, thanks for taking the questions. And I just want to ask about the pricing expectations for 2023. There’s a lot of pricing tweaks happening in the market currently given the sustained inflation. Can you talk about philosophy €“ your philosophy in 2023 whether you see potential to raise prices on any products either on the domain side or on other areas? And then, second question, are you seeing any market share shifts in your core products in domains, or in Websites + Marketing currently?

Aman Bhutani: Yeah. On pricing, Deepak, we continue to have a nuanced approach. As I’ve talked about before, we price our products based on the customer population we serve based on the geography, there is also specific bundling and channel dynamics, your pricing as well. We also maintain that we provide services and products to our customers, where the value we provide is much higher than the price that we have. So we do continue to feel that there’s pricing opportunity. But we’ll continue to be nuanced about it, because we have added a lot of capabilities over the last year for us to be flexible around how we price and how we market and how we sort of move dollars around within between geos and channels to allow us to get the best return on ad spend.

So, yes, you’ll see some pricing actions from us, which are all in the guide like Mark says, but you’ll also see some sort of €“ as you see some increases, you’ll also see in some markets, some decreases, because our testing clearly shows that there’s room to take share there. And that’s sort of our approach to market share overall as well. We’re constantly now testing these things. And when we see an opportunity, we’re going to lean in and take market share, and we’re able to move marketing dollars around quickly much faster, I would say, than we were in the past. So we will lean in there and take market share. And in other markets where we see opportunity to take price, we will take price.

Deepak Mathivanan: Got it. And then, if I can just ask one quick follow-up, and I apologize if this was asked already. Can you unpack the 2023 revenue guidance a little bit, maybe specifically in terms of how much you expect contribution from things like payments, and some of these other incremental growth areas?

Mark McCaffrey: Yeah. We haven’t gotten into the breakdown of each of the contributing areas we’re looking at in our revenue guidance right now is continued growth in ARR around our subscription businesses. Again, a focus on applications and commerce is obviously our higher growing area right now versus our core platform, which we’ve talked about some of the pressures we’ve seen around hosting and aftermarket. We continue to be excited about commerce, we haven’t broken down the dollars between all of that, but we look at that as a contributor. And remember, we we’re looking at some of the €“ in our subscription business, what I would say, a rollover effect of the FX that will be a headwind for our revenue in the first part of the year.

But assuming macro condition stabilizes should become a tailwind as we get to the back half of the year, as well as looking out into 2024. So a lot of moving parts there, we haven’t gotten into this product versus this product type of things. We’re extremely excited about the progress of commerce that’s the one thing we continue to call out. We’re excited about the contribution of Worldpay, and the momentum it gives us going into 2024, again, those around our applications in commerce business. And we continue to see our ability to be that one-stop shop for our customers and be able to long-term opportunity that we continue to pursue.

Christie Masoner: Great. Thank you. I’ll now hand the call over to Aman for some final remarks.

Aman Bhutani: Thank you, Christie, and thank you all for joining us. As always I’d like to thank all GoDaddy employees for another good quarter, and sort of the focused energy to continue to drive the business and grow the business. We’ll see you next quarter.

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