Flux Power Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ:FLUX) Q2 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

Ron Dutt : Yes, no good, quite said. We’re really excited about that. We started doing this eight years ago, and we were just innovating exploring. And being a first mover, we’ve had — been able to have a lot of experience, a lot of battle scars, what’s worked, what doesn’t, knowing our customers, there’s just so much to learn, like in every industry, on the inside, knowing the customer and what they want and the wide operating condition. So, we have we have leverage those lessons. We’ve been shipping a new we call it G80 pack, 80 volt 200 amp power and 400 amp power versions and shipping those and those in particular have been going to the ground support equipment sector. They’re very modular. I am — very impressive decrease in part count serviceability and the ability to produce.

So, that modular type, where it’s a little bit like Legos, if you link the battery cells together and modules and either parallel or series that number of them to get — serves a whole spectrum of different power capability. So, we’ve got — we’re using that — those basic modules and technology to develop packs for our full product lineup needs of material handling and ground support equipment. So, we’re working on those — most of our packs, at particularly all the material handling packs, we sell with underwriters laboratory or UL listing, which certifies for durability and safety. We found long time ago, the large customers want that and that gives us an advantage in those sectors. It also gives us advantage — our packs are durable and safe.

And so we’re in the process of each of those models and, and typically and family to model we run them through that UL listing, which we’re doing right now. And we’ll get a big chunk of that done very soon. And then, we need to have the forklift OEMs, review that from an engineering standpoint, because it’s gone in airport, Chip. And it’s all part of the customer experience for them and relationship with them. So they want to be confident of what they have. So that takes some time too. So all this takes a little more time, than just designing a pack and assembling it and shipping it. But, what it does, it takes a little more time. But those aspects of it provide great, a very convincing to the OEMs and our end-customers that they can be comfortable with the products that we’re putting out.

So, we look for that over, during this year, over the course of this year to get all those out this calendar year.

Chip Moore: Yeah. Got it. It’s helpful and safe to assume that, not having to outsource, the UL listing process that speeds things up a bit?

Ron Dutt: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it does. Because, in the world of lithium, the Underwriters Laboratories are being flooded with adding to test, to verify, all kinds of different uses, configures of lithium, from medical to you name it. And so we’ve noticed a slowdown in our response time. So our reaction was well, we don’t want to put up with that. And our answer was to, I mean, we’ve had a relationship with them since 2016. So, we’ve done enough business in that relationship. They trust us. They don’t do this as anybody, but they will trust us based on our experiences, they are testing ourselves with their oversight. So we can do that. We can accelerate that, very significantly.

Chip Moore: Perfect. And another question Ron, with two new Fortune 500 logos, you talked about? Is that incremental to, I think you talked about two $2 million in last quarter, is there some addition to that. That is first question.