Fathom Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ:FTHM) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript

Ariye Cole: Okay. And then regarding the Free4Life recruitment program, I’m trying to understand where you think agents at Fathom are going to be able to source the majority of agents they try to bring onboard. What I’m alluding to is, they obviously come in contact with agents who are either buyers or who are on the other side of the transaction when they are selling a home. We also have agents they probably just happen to know in the local community where they work. And so, what I’m just trying to understand is, in addition to those two sources, you know where will agents be finding other people who are prospects to be persuaded to join the Fathom family.

Josh Harley: Well, I think you nailed the two most important ones, and that’s relationships, prior relationships, as well as the new relationships on the other side of transactions. By the way, the – the new relationship on the other side of the transaction is probably the most important one, because when you’re at the transaction table and you’re talking. Sometimes they become friends, sometimes they don’t. Sometimes they become friends and you start talking about, because both sides are usually getting the same commission checks, right. You know the commission rather paid to the brokerage is the same typically, not always but typically. And you got the Fathom agents saying, €˜hey! I used to be with the same company you are with now, and I remember on this I would probably pay them what, you’re probably paying $4,000 or $3,000 on this commission.

I’m only paying $550′ or if they’ve capped, I only paid $150. You know you should really think about it, and it’s €“ that’s kind of one of those, like that eye opening moment, the ah-ah moment that agents have. Like, are you serious, that’s what you’re really paid. Because they hear it, and they hear it and they hear it like we beat them over the head, but it’s not real to them until it’s real to them, right, so that the money’s actually coming out of their check and going to the broker. Especially when agents say, €˜look, I don’t have to give up anything, right. It’s not what the broker tells you. You know I keep, you know I €˜ve got great support. I’ve got you know everything I need, all the tools, technology and everything else I need.’ So that tends to be the best conversation for getting agents over.

Relationships are obviously important as well. We found that oftentimes on agent first comes over to Fathom, they are the like the most excited, because they are able to see that change. They come over to Fathom, that sometimes is a really good opportunity because they’ll tell, you know five or 10 other agents that they worked with at the other brokerage when they come over, like €œhey I just moved to Fathom, you should think about coming too,€ especially now that we have this Cap4Life and Free4Life opportunity for them, so it’s been great. Now, one other source that I see a lot of agents come. Some agents get ultra-motivated, which you know we’ve seen with a lot of competitors as well and that’s going to social media. And so they like to put out there, hey €“ they are part of these different real-estate networks on Facebook and Instagram and others and all these other social media platforms, and they’ll share their story.

If anyone asks about you know, if anyone complains about the broker, in terms of Fathom we can jump in, so hey, you should think about that or they’ll private message them. So social media has been a great source as well for anything that’s outside of your relationships or outside of business transaction.