Emerald Holding, Inc. (NYSE:EEX) Q1 2024 Earnings Call Transcript

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And that has always been our strategy. Our strategy has been to leverage this excellent product which is a highly integrated product for very large customers and go from industry to industry that we serve. And so we’re on track there. In terms of Bulletin, Bulletin is a different type product. Bulletin is not an integrated product. Bulletin is really a product for much, much smaller businesses, much easier to scale, scale across a much wider range of products as for customers. As you know, 85% plus of our customers are small businesses. And so we needed something that can scale faster and easier to our smaller customers. And so we started with New York Now, given that Bulletin’s entry point was in the home space. And so that has, as I mentioned in my opening remarks, has been quite successful.

And so what we are looking to do now, as I mentioned, is to then do exactly as we’ve done with Elastic is then to scale that across other categories over time.

Allen Klee: And then just one of your pillars is to try to get 24-hour, I’m sorry, full-year engagement from customers. How would you feel about where you are in that process and where you’re getting the benefits from that?

Herve Sedky: Yes, I think the 365-day engagement are basically the 2 parts that we just talked about. So customers attend our events. Those are episodic. The ability for us to stay in touch with them and offer them value through our content business, those happen to be through the editorial, through leads and also through the commerce business. And those 2 working in tandem with our connections business or with the events business allows us then to offer this 365-platform. So I think we’re tracking very well to that. Obviously, it’s a journey. We continue to do more but we are very well on track to deliver on our plan and we feel good about as I mentioned, we track the value that we create to our customers. David mentioned pricing.

That’s a big part of our pricing strategy and the reason why we’re able to command increasing in pricing is that we are very focused on pricing for value creation. We price based on the value that we create to customers. What we want to do is be maniacally focused on delivering value to our customers and then — and getting compensated for the value that we create. And so that is our strategy and so we constantly look for how do we constantly create value 365 days a year. And therefore, the content business, the commerce business allows us to do that for our entire customer pool of connections to customers.

Allen Klee: My last question is, you use a matching technology for those who are at trade shows. Can you talk about where you are in terms of like, the feedback you’ve gotten, how this adds value to those at the trade shows and what you’re doing going forward with that?

Herve Sedky: Yes, we do. We use — we now are using matchmaking tools and solutions as well as lead sharing tools at all of our trade shows. So for all trade shows now have implemented these types of solutions. Again, that’s linked to the value creation. And they’re doing really well. Where we — and the reason we know it’s going well is because we measure net promoter scores and we measure loyalty. And we can see that customers that utilize such solutions have a higher rate us stronger. They have a higher net promoter score, higher loyalty score than those that don’t. And so our efforts are not — our efforts to date have been to make sure that we have it across all of our events. And now we’re very focused on adoption and usage and making sure that as many customers as possible across both the exhibitors and the visitors are using these tools. And we’re making really good progress on making sure that we’ve got this adoption across all of our events.

Allen Klee: Congrats on the strong quarter.

Operator: We don’t have any further questions at this time. Presenters, please continue.

Herve Sedky: Great. Well, I just wanted to thank you all for your questions. Thank you all for your interest in Emerald. I’m very pleased with what our teams have accomplished this quarter. And I’m glad that we’ve been able to deliver on the expectations and the commitments that we’ve made. And I look forward to speaking with you all next quarter. Have a great day.

Operator: This concludes today’s conference call. Thank you for your participation. You may now disconnect.

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