eGain Corporation (NASDAQ:EGAN) Q2 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

That’s something that is quite likely that we will have as an add on solution. And that’s something we are still working with some of our early customers. And we’re cognizant of the fact that there is a larger COGS element back to doing that, so very large context depositors.

Richard Baldry: Great. And last — quick one for me would be, while the market and headwinds are pretty tough, sort of, curious, your cash generation has been good. Has there any plan to begin or aggressively deploy the buyback that you’d announced this fleet? Thanks.

Eric Smit: Sure. So we have the buyback in place, so that’s — we put a structured plan through last quarter. There was no purchases through the quarter, but obviously we’ll be evaluating that. Now we just made this announcement to see what if any adjustments will be made.

Richard Baldry: Thanks.

Operator: Our next question comes from Jeff Van Rhee from Craig Hallum. Please go ahead.

Jeff Van Rhee: Great. Thanks for taking my questions. A couple for you the — on the sales motion front, talk I know Rich was asking about the direct side. I want to touch on the channel maybe what have you seen in terms of the sales motion now and particularly the motion or the, excuse me, the momentum there in the channel versus maybe the rest of the business?

Ashu Roy: Yes, it’s a good question. The channel is still generating opportunities, we see that. I think that the larger opportunities that we’re chasing are coming in through the direct channel — through the direct sales, sorry. And the channel is there and that the logos are still the right kind of logos, but the opportunity sizes are add-on opportunity sizes and particularly in the, sort of, the CCAP channel that is what we see. There is a difference with the SI channel and that is an area where we are steadily building up more sort of SI partnerships. And so those are the right kinds of large opportunities. Of course, they have some — they have a cycle to do them, because they are early-stage conversations and large organizations through an SI is looking at a strategic knowledge project, but we are seeing more and more of those coming into our conversation. So that’s — to me that is very encouraging.

Jeff Van Rhee: Fair enough. And then on GPT, as you look at your prospects and customers, understanding it’s happened recently. It’s having a lot of time to get feedback, but what are the customers and prospects saying and how is that potentially surprising you?

Ashu Roy: So everyone is talking about it, not just customers, partners, analysts. Now we talk to Gartner, we talk to other analysts and there is a lot of conversation around it at every level. Now when we get to the details at the senior levels, I think people are saying how are we taking advantage of it? And the fact that we have a solution at this time that we have been demonstrating for the last few months, but now we are making generally available. That puts us in a good position to say we are here we are now and we can make sure that you can take advantage of this in a, like we said, safe responsible way, right? Because everyone is well aware of and I’m sure you guys know it well enough with what happened with Google, right?