DLH Holdings Corp. (NASDAQ:DLHC) Q1 2024 Earnings Call Transcript

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Zach Parker: Well, thank you all. We really appreciate your continued support and interest in DLH. We ask you to look forward to a couple of dates in the future. And we’ll meet you again in the not-too-distant future. First of all, will be March 14, where we will have our Annual Shareholders Meeting. We would actually physically be in New York. So come on by. Kathryn and I and our Board of Directors would love to see you there. And also stay tuned. We will be participating in an Emerging Technology Investor conference, large and small caps at the Alliance Global Partners events on February 7. You can read the details on our website. And where will be disclosing a little bit more color around some of the technology evolution that the company has gone through and how we see that being a key part of driving value. So thank you very much, and we look forward to hearing and seeing you soon. With that, have a blessed day. Bye for now.

Kathryn JohnBull: Take care.

Operator: Thank you. This concludes today’s conference call. We thank you all for attending today’s presentation. You may now disconnect your lines, and have a wonderful day.

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