Desktop Metal, Inc. (NYSE:DM) Q1 2024 Earnings Call Transcript

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They’re manufacturing hubs around the world for these class of products that are made with our machines. So I think it’s a great opportunity. And I think now is the time to start thinking about how do we get this company back to double-digit growth. And obviously, it takes time once you make an investment for those resources to become productive. But we are making the transition now from sort of stemming, basically stopping the losses and then now getting back into a growth mindset. And we’ve got a much improved cost structure. And I’m surprised for many of our peers, they still have OpEx north of — OpEx is larger than revenue. And I think it’s very hard for them to kind of break that cycle. We focused to bring down our OpEx now to a number that’s manageable and for the size platform we have and we are very happy — we still have leading market share in our segments.

In binder jet, we’re still kind of near 80% market share. And I think from here, growth and investment in go-to-market is going to drive the returns and the leverage. And we saw some of that in Q1 with roughly 15% on the printed casting side year-over-year and 9% on the metal and power bed products. And so I think it’s time to start stepping on the gas again. We won’t be like a straight line. So I think maybe a little lumpy. But I think if you give a couple of quarters, that small amount of investment, I think, is going to yield meaningful upside as we get leverage on this new cost structure.

Jacob Stephan: Okay. Understood. And then maybe, Jason, if you could just kind of help us understand, does 2024 look a lot like kind of 2023 with regards to seasonality with kind of Q2 up and Q3 down. Maybe if you could just kind of help us think about how we should break out the revenue conundrum here.

Jason Cole: Yes, thanks Jacob. I think the seasonal patterns have been pretty steady, even despite kind of year-on-year comps bring down across 2023. So I still expect sequentially to be 2Q will be stronger over 1Q, 3Q to be a little bit more muted with our largest quarter being 4Q. That seems like a seasonal pattern that we can depend on. I think the degrees and the highs in 2Q and 4Q are something we’re still proceeding with great caution. And I think that’s reflected in our guidance. So we’ll continue to — we’re re-upping our guidance today. We’ll keep you apprised of that as it unfolds. But I think we saw some signs of stabilization in 1Q, but we’ve still got a long way to go, and we’re going to continue to manage this with a lot of care and attention as we navigate through this.

Jacob Stephan: Okay, very helpful. Good luck, guys.

Jason Cole: Thank you, Jacob.

Operator: Thank you. We have no further questions. I will turn the call back over to Ric Fulop for closing comments.

Ric Fulop: Wonderful. Well, thank you very much to all of our investors and employees and for joining us today and for all of your interest in the company. And as always, if you have any follow-up questions, we’re happy to talk to you and don’t hesitate to call us. If you’re in the Boston area, please come visit and see our technologies in-person, and thanks again for joining our call.

Operator: Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes our conference for today. We thank you for participating, and we ask that you please disconnect your lines.

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