CSP Inc. (NASDAQ:CSPI) Q1 2024 Earnings Call Transcript

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Victor Dellovo: I would think so. Joe actually was — Joe Nerges, every morning I get the latest and greatest releases of every breach that happens. At like 4:00 A.M., he sends them out to me. And we use that. I forward it to the salesforce. How people say, we don’t have budget for the security when they know they have a gap, I have no idea. I literally on every sales call, if that comes up, I’m like, I just don’t believe it. Because getting hacked is only a matter of time. It’s not if you’re ever going to, it’s someway, somehow, somebody will get some type of hack inside the organization. I don’t know if it’s three years from now, two years, but it’s going to happen of all sized companies, so how people are not making security their number one priority?

And the thing is, like good enough is not the right answer. Because it only takes one access point inside the network or the infrastructure and then they’re in. Saying I’m 90% protected is not the right answer for these organizations. How this doesn’t just fly off the shelf I’m not sure because I believe we’re doing a really good job separating ourselves from the rest of the group out there. But it’s still CSPi, who are we? And we’re trying to — like I said, we’re trying to do the shows, we’re trying to do the webinars, we’re trying to get in front of many customers. We’re trying to bring on resellers. And unless the product speaks for itself, that’s what we try to position. You can listen to us all day long. Let us do a POC, let’s run the product in your environment, and let the product speak for itself.

And we’ve never got that feedback from any customer that’s taken the time to look at it.

Unidentified Participant: Right. No, 100%. And in many ways, like according to the damage of the hack, the product pays for itself if you think about how much it’s going to cost to get hacked. And I think really what we need is to get you on CNBC or FOX News, Business News when they have all these scary headlines, to say AZT has the solution. And hopefully, maybe we’ll see that soon. Next like we talked about mandates, and we know there’s an SEC reporting mandate. I think Australia has a mandate. Does the U.S. and other countries have these growing mandates to have this OT protection? And is that kind of you see something that’s going to drive more awareness to AZT? The mandates themselves, are you seeing that? Are people saying, hey, we’ve got to get this in place, whether it be the U.S. or other countries?

Victor Dellovo: People are talking about it. If they’re not, we’re bringing it up. Like I had mentioned earlier, we’re using that as one of our key selling points. Like it’s not going to be a choice any longer. You’re going to have to do this. And it all becomes about just getting time in front of the customers. Once you have some time with them, you can peel back the cover to see where their need is and then it’s our job just to sell it to them and show them the value. But yes, I believe the mandates, they can’t hurt. They can only help.

Unidentified Participant: Yeah. Okay. And then also, we talked about last call about cybersecurity company partners potentially and talking to them. And we know that there is a press release showing that NVIDIA is a current partner. Now I know companies like NVIDIA are very secretive and you might not be able to tell me anything about it, but it is public info that they are a partner. Are they partnering on the AZT side? And are you still in talks with other big cybersecurity players to potentially sell this for you since it doesn’t compete and it could just be an add-on product to like a Palo Alto’s offering?

Victor Dellovo: Yes and yes. We are still talking to NVIDIA heavily, weekly, and we are still talking to other major players out there to partner with them to make our offering as a — selling as a bundled product.

Unidentified Participant: Awesome. That’s great. Thank you for that. And lastly, my last quick point is you guys are doing an amazing job on executing, both you and Gary and the whole company. We want that as shareholders. But it would be nice when CNBC and everybody is talking about the cyber threats for operational technology, if we could get you on CNBC. Have you thought about hiring like an investor relations/public relations firm? Since one of our biggest — this is like the — I feel like — the Super Bowl just happened. CSPi is at the Super Bowl, but nobody knows they’re playing in it yet. Have you thought about hiring an IR/PR firm so while you guys are busy executing somebody can help get the story out from a marketing shareholder perspective? Which is also — it’s not the most important thing, execution is more important, but it’s part of the equation.

Victor Dellovo: Yeah, we are. We are talking about it, and we’re — there’s a game plan.

Unidentified Participant: Okay. No, that’s good. As long as you guys are — it’s on your plate and you’re thinking about it. I just want to say, because I was more intense last quarter, you guys have done an awesome job. I appreciate the press releases. Keep them flowing. And to me, this is like a generational opportunity. And with the headlines, the scary macro headlines we’re seeing, this is like a much needed product for so many companies and governments. Thank you, guys, and great job.

Victor Dellovo: Thank you, Paul. Have a good day.

Operator: Your final question for today is coming from John Crotty, a private investor.

Unidentified Participant: Hey. Good morning, guys. How are you doing?

Victor Dellovo: Good morning. Good.

Unidentified Participant: Just want to say congratulations on a great quarter. You guys actually accomplished everything you said you were going to do in the last quarter. Some of it might not have been as timely, like the ink drying, but you did it, so that’s actually a big kudos to see management actually do what they say they’re going to do. And the other thing is there’s great information on this CC and every retail investor should listen to this. Most importantly, when Joe mentioned the $1.4 billion cost to Merck, I mean those are amazing numbers. You think everyone would realize when their insurance company won’t cover it, they should be calling you guys. I mean — but anyway, here are my questions. We know, and I anticipate your phone to be ringing off the hook, but I know you have a lot of resellers.

Like we saw you guys with a deal down in Florida in a pre-existing MSP customer. Any feedback from any of your resellers? Especially the large one in Australia, and they do have a mandate as well. And just about the other like 50 smaller partners you have regarding these large ones, any feedback? Are you assisting them? Are they needing any assistance?

Victor Dellovo: Well, there’s two separations. The reseller — the TS division is the one that sold the MSP contract, so that’s all part of the CSPi umbrella. And then you have all the other resellers that we signed under the ARIA division, the HPP division. Those resellers are the ones that we’re targeting with AZT. And those are the new contracts that we signed with the large reseller. And it’s about training them, doing marketing events with them. Those are the things that we’re doing with those types of resellers. But there’s — it’s really — no one has really put two and two together or asked us any questions about the MSP contract or anything else we won. That’s why we separated the two, so all the information that we’re dealing with, with the ARIA, stays separate so those resellers feel comfortable that all their information is private.

Unidentified Participant: Okay. You’re doing that on behalf of the pre-existing partnership side of the deal. What about like the Logitech that’s been strictly an AZT reseller over in Australia? And again, they have a mandate. Just wondering what they’re seeing and if they may be equivalent to you.

Victor Dellovo: Yes. He’s coming — he deals with a lot of government entities out there in Australia. As you know, things work slow, but it’s about getting in front of them with the POCs and then he does the rest of the work. We educate them, we train them. He has a lab. Everything that he needs to be successful, he has, and now it’s about him just working the relationships and the opportunities that he finds out in Australia.

Unidentified Participant: Okay. And my last question has to do with the type of product or company mix you’re seeing with your leads. Are they more government? Are they more infrastructure like electrical, oil and gas? Or are they more like manufacturing, like you just recently won or higher ed even?

Victor Dellovo: Oil and gas is definitely a segment that we’re talking to quite a few people. The pharmaceutical area, medical, those are probably the three top ones that we’re talking to right now.

Unidentified Participant: Okay. Fair enough. Okay. No, that was it, just trying to get a good mix. All right, guys, thank you so much and look forward to next quarter and attending the meeting as well.

Victor Dellovo: Thank you.

Operator: We have reached the end of the question-and-answer session, and I will now turn the call over to Victor for closing remarks.

Victor Dellovo: Thank you. As always, I want to thank our shareholders for your continued interest and support. We are entering a period of increased activity and we look forward to sharing our progress on the next fiscal 2024 second quarter in May. Until then, be well and stay safe.

Gary Levine: Thank you.

Operator: This concludes today’s conference, and you may disconnect your lines at this time. Thank you for your participation.

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