Cooper-Standard Holdings Inc. (NYSE:CPS) Q4 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Zohair Azmi: All right. To clarify, so do you think that getting to 10% margins is a couple of years out, or you’ll have visibility into it in a couple of years?

Jeffrey Edwards: As I said, I think we’ll be there in two years.

Zohair Azmi: Okay. And is that largely driven by volume? Or are there other major components here?

Jeffrey Edwards: No, I think it’s delivered by volume a bit. It’s delivered by the content per vehicle related to the innovation sales that we’ve been talking about. It’s delivered by launching business that has better margins than the business that it would replace going forward. It’s driven by being profitable in all regions in all products that we’re working our way to, as we talked about at the end of this year, we’re there. That’s continuing to improve upon those margins customer by customer, country by country, product by product. And we have a pretty good line of sight there. And it’s not cost reducing ourselves to prosperity. It’s really launching a lot of the new business that will have higher content, higher margins because of innovation and other things that we’ve done with our fixed costs.

Zohair Azmi: And then last one for me. How are you guys thinking about addressing your capital structure as the non-call period for your debt roll off?

Jon Banas: Yes. Zohair, this is Jon. I kind of alluded to it in my response to Brian. The non-call comes off in Q1 of next year. So we’re already looking to understand the market a little bit better, see what the interest rate environment does look like. But for us, in particular, right now, it’s all about execution and delivering on guidance, and our commitments here really centers around us continuing to generate positive free cash flow and stabilize the business and take advantage of the market growth that’s ahead that Jeff just described for you. So no plans to announce here for you, but we’re already contemplating it’s 11 months away that non-call provisions comes off. So we’ll see how the year progresses and have some more specific as things go on. But suffice it to say, we do see opportunities ahead as the business grows profitably to bring down our overall debt service costs and go forward a little bit stronger portfolio.

Zohair Azmi: Alright thanks for taking that.

Operator: It appears that there are no more questions. I would now like to turn the call back over to Roger Hendriksen.

Roger Hendriksen: Okay. Thanks everybody for your participation this morning for the good questions. If there is anybody out there that didn’t get a chance to ask their questions, please feel free to reach out to me directly, and we’ll arrange to have those questions answered. Again, thanks for your participation this morning. This will conclude our call.

Operator: Thank you, sir. Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes your conference call for today. We thank you for participating and ask that you please disconnect your lines. Have a lovely day.

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