CapStar Financial Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ:CSTR) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript

Tim Schools: Well – I mean – this is Tim, I apologize as a conservative person. I would follow recent trends I would love to be able to promise to you that it was going up and we want it to go up as much as anybody, and we’re going to we’ve been working very hard and we’re going to continue working hard, as you know, this is a sort of a macro and industry item and it’s challenging. So we’re going to work hard. We’ve been tempering our loan growth and really focusing on pricing to main spread and then and we’re going to be working extra hard on those projects that I mentioned to you. So I don’t have an answer to give you as a conservative person. I think that we’re probably viewing that will be probably that level or slightly down and we’re hoping that that as the Fed slows its rate increases hopefully this the next six months.

Hopefully that will slow banks from raising and some level of calm as Mike said, hopefully, some of these banks are getting ahead to the next increase. But I wouldn’t want to lead you otherwise I’m under-promise and over-deliver kind of person and it’s a challenging operating environment right now on the deposit side.

Graham Dick: Okay, that’s helpful. And I guess, specifically on the loan side, you mentioned home bank getting 7.1% just wondering what you guys are seeing on new production today that’s in the pipeline and what you can expect to see hit the balance sheet this year in terms of loan yield and then also I guess if you could share what your pricing wholesale or brokered CDs at right now that would be helpful as well?

Tim Schools: Okay, so we’ll start with, I’ll ask Kevin Lambert, who is here who is our Chief Credit Officer, he may pitch in on not a specific deal, but just general, maybe 5.20%, 5.25% kind of rates you’re seeing Kevin. And then maybe Mike can pitch in on brokered CDs so, Kevin.

Kevin Lambert: On the – as far as the rates go – we’ll probably – you have seen rates that range in the 6% to 7% and higher kind of range.

Mike Fowler: All right and yes Kevin and on the brokerage side. I would say looking at pricing as of Monday we have been issuing really generally out to about nine months. So I would say nine month rates right now, we’d be issuing around 4.65% all in six months, we would be issuing around 4.50% to 4.55%. Three months around 4.30%. And again, each week we compare the curve on our out – on our brokered to home loan, we also compare it looking at – Fed funds futures. So, where those are suggesting rolling overnight home loan borrowings will be over the course of the year. And we’re trying to be very prudent in terms of tapping the most cost effective source to do that and broker continues to be yes right now six month about 45 basis points under our home loan about 20 under where fed’s funds futures are. So that hopefully gives you a sense for the current wholesale pricing we’re looking at.

Graham Dick: Definitely, that’s very helpful. And I guess, just one quick one on expenses. I just wanted to know what the mortgage banking unit expense was this quarter?