Blueprint Medicines Corporation (NASDAQ:BPMC) Q4 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Kate Haviland : I mean, the answer is no, but I know if you have any more color, I mean, we’ve been very just as consistent. I mean, we have said for maybe 18 months now that just, it contributes about $8, $9 a quarter. That is steady Eddie. That is been very, very consistent quarter-over-quarter for a long period of time. Now, SM continues to have growth in it, it’s just not the same growth rate as ISM. And Christy do you want to talk about that?

Christy Rossi : Yes. The he short answer, Peter, is no. The launch is not flattening. I think that our guidance is the clearest signal of that with over 80% of growth at the midpoint and all leading indicators being very positive.

Operator: Our next question comes from Colleen Kusy from Baird.

Colleen Kusy : Congrats on the progress and thanks for taking our questions. So I think you talked about 20% of the top 400 docs based on volume have prescribed AYVAKIT. So is those 80% of docs that haven’t, can you explain, again, what’s been the hurdle for them and what might convince them to start prescribing AYVAKIT?

Kate Haviland : Yes, so Philina, you should dive in here. Just to be clear that’s been since the ISM approval. Just to be clear, we’re trying to track here like physicians who see FM generally, but we’re looking at the — we can’t, as Christy has said, Philina, we can’t really distinguish between advanced SM and ISM all the time based on diagnosis codes. We do look at the dosage 25 milligram as an imperfect proxy for that. So this is really looking at the physicians who have been prescribing since Q3 and Q4, right? So, I don’t know Philina, if you want to talk?

Philina Lee: This is a market where the cadence, the timing of patient visits is a really critical factor in when they’re able to engage and have that conversation about indolent SM with their providers. And so, I would say at this point, this early in the launch, we’re actually really excited to have had penetration into 20% of this group, with room to grow the adoption both within that group as well as broadening beyond to those who haven’t. I would say awareness among this group is very strong. They are all having personally engaged a number of these providers, they’re all motivated, they are excited about AYVAKIT’s benefit risk profile, and they’re waiting for those next patients to come in and have that conversation.

Operator: We are coming up on the hour and going to end the call. Ms. Haviland, I turn the call back over to you.

Kate Haviland: Thank you, operator. And I want to thank you all for taking the time to join us today and thank you for your questions. And you know, we look forward to seeing you in the near-term here, many of you at AAAAI in Washington DC and so, have a great day and we’ll see you soon.

Operator: That concludes today’s call. You may now disconnect your line.

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