Beyond Air, Inc. (NASDAQ:XAIR) Q4 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

Matt Kaplan: Okay. And I guess with that, how should we think about the contracts converting into revenues over time as you add?

Douglas Larson: So, Matt, most of these contracts are going to be annual. So, if we sign up 600,000, it’s going to be 50,000 a month or 150,000 a quarter. So, as you sign them, they start to build upon themselves, right? So that’s how they’re going to translate. We don’t get the cash up front, we don’t book the revenues up front, right? So this is an annual contract that’s spread over four quarters. So, as we — we got a bunch this last quarter, we’ll get a bunch the next quarter, so they’ll build on each other and then the next quarter and it’ll just keep piling on top. And the more we expand our team, the more people we get trained and out there, the more volume we can have. So every quarter should get better and better from the previous quarter in terms of not just the number of contracts, but the size of those contracts we’re able to handle larger hospitals as well as we get bigger.

Matt Kaplan: Okay. And just shifting gears to Beyond Cancer. You mentioned that you’re going to have a phase 1 data later this year. Can you give us some more detail in terms of how many patients and what we should be looking for in that data from Beyond Cancer later this year?

Steve Lisi: Yes. So, I don’t know exactly how many patients we’ll be showing, but it’s going to be, I don’t know, give or take, 10 patients, maybe a few less, maybe a few more, it’ll depend on the cut off. And I said in the prepared remarks that it’s the immune biomarkers that — from an efficacy standpoint — as you know, Matt, this is a safety study. So, we’ll be looking for safety, and that’s the most important thing at this stage. But we do want to understand what’s happening to the immune system. So, I mentioned in the prepared remarks that — what we saw in the mice, which we’ve shown several studies in mice, and you can see on the Beyond Cancer website what the immune markers have done going in the direction that we expect them to go and by arming the immune system against these tumors.

We’re seeing similar activity in the immune biomarkers currently in the patients that we have data on so far. So I think that’s what you want to look for, safety and these immune biomarkers to see if we’re able to predict efficacy going forward. So, we’re pretty excited about it. I can’t wait show it, but we’ll have to wait until we complete a few more patients and we get the data in house and we get our statisticians to put that data together so we can share it with you.

Matt Kaplan: Okay. Very good. And then last question and then I’ll jump back in the queue. LungFit PRO, you mentioned in your prepared remarks that the next study that you plan to launch will be a pilot study. What do you hope to learn from this pilot study prior to moving into a pivotal study with the program in the viral pneumonia setting?

Steve Lisi: So I think we — the purpose of this pilot study is to give comfort to FDA and to some of the sites we’ve spoken to that the safety is there and that they feel very comfortable treating their patients. And since this is not really a study that we can go in the literature and see these types of endpoints that we’re looking at, this study will also give us the ability to optimize our stats package for the primary endpoint that we’re targeting. So I think it’s twofold there. I think it’s to give a little more comfort on the safety side. Not for us. We’re very comfortable in the safety side, as you see from all the data that we’ve shown publicly. But it will help inform us on the primary endpoint and give us a little bit more confidence in sizing our study.