Banner Corporation (NASDAQ:BANR) Q1 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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We’re still guiding to that mid- to lower 90s run rate, something similar to what we experienced this quarter.Andrew Terrell Okay, very good. I appreciate it.Mark Grescovich Thank you.Operator [Operator Instructions] Our next question is from Tim Coffey with Janney. Your line is now open.Tim Coffey Great. Thanks. Morning everybody.Mark Grescovich Morning Tim.Tim Coffey Mark, a question about your loan to deposit ratio. Is there a level at which you think you would feel comfortable with it getting up to, because it seems like it’s heading up towards 80% and probably mid-80s is what I’m thinking? But what are your thoughts there?Mark Grescovich Yes, Tim, as you might recall, since you covered the company for quite a bit of time now, we did operate this company in that 90% to 95% loan to deposit ratio for a long time, maximizing our revenue lines.So, I think it really depends on current market conditions and how sensitive the liquidity is today that we’re probably not going to get up there, but I could see our loan to deposit ratio gravitating up to the mid-80% range.Tim Coffey Okay.

And then just kind of a high level question here. Can you describe in what way your business has changed since mid-March with the bank failures? Have you seen a material difference in customer behavior at the back half of 1Q relative to the period before that?Mark Grescovich Well, I’ll ask Jill to comment on customer behavior, but we really haven’t seen a major shift. As you might suspect, given our client base concentration in middle market and small business as well as the consumers in our footprint, when you’re a good corporate citizen and you behave in a very consistent and reliable manner, there is confidence in the bank itself.That being said, I think I’ll turn it over to Jill in terms of client sentiment, but there is certainly caution out there more around economic activity than it would be a safety and soundness concern for our organization.

Jill?Jill Rice Yes. No, Mark covered it really well. The only thing I would add and I touched on it a little bit earlier was that in — after the bank failures, we’ve had more conversations with more potential new clients reaching out because of the safety and soundness and our propensity to be open through all business cycles.Tim Coffey Okay. All right. Great. Those were my questions. Thank you very much for the time.Mark Grescovich Thanks Tim.Operator There are no further questions. I’ll pass the call back over to the management team for closing remarks.Mark Grescovich Thanks Jason. As I stated, we’re very proud of the Banner team and our first quarter 2023 performance. And I think, our first quarter performance demonstrates the strength of our organization and how all of our colleagues are driving the performance of the company for the first quarter.Thank you for your interest in Banner and joining our call.

We look forward to talking to you next quarter. Have a great day everyone.Operator That concludes the conference call. Thank you for your participation. You may now disconnect your lines.

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