Badger Meter, Inc. (NYSE:BMI) Q4 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Ken Bockhorst: So two things. As again, I’m sure you know and expect, we spend a lot of time understanding every single competitor, how they’re doing, what they offer, how that compares to us. And the one thing we’ve always been confident in is that we offer the most unique, broadest and best portfolio for our customers, whether that be mechanical meters plus ultrasonic, whether that’s drive by radios plus the lead in cellular for a decade, whether that’s the best-in-class software to tie the whole thing together front to back. We absolutely have a portfolio advantage that we can and will continue to defend. And even as others continue to maybe get better with their supply chains, ours never slowed down and it’s in a continued position to keep going.

Then when you add to that our growing portfolio of being able to bundle solutions with water quality, pressure monitoring, RTUs. Other people have tried to come in, they just can’t match our portfolio and our 119 years of selling in the region. So we respect every competitor. We respect every entrant, we feel uniquely positioned to continue to outperform.

Ryan Connors: Yes. Well, it’s evident in the results, so congrats on a great ’23. Best of luck.

Ken Bockhorst: Thank you.

Operator: That concludes the Q&A portion of today’s call. I’ll now hand back over to Karen Bauer for any final remarks.

Karen Bauer: Great. Thank you. Thanks to everyone for joining our call. For your planning purposes, our first quarter 2024 call is tentatively scheduled for April 18. I’ll be around all day to take any follow-up questions you might have. Have a great weekend.

Operator: Thank you for joining today’s Badger Meter Q4 2023 earnings call. You may now disconnect your lines.

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