authID Inc. (NASDAQ:AUID) Q2 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Operator: Please stand by for our next question. We have a follow-up from the line of David Lerner with Madison Global Partners.

David Lerner: Hey, Rhon.

Rhon Daguro: Hey, David.

David Lerner: Hey, Tom.

Tom Szoke : Hi, David.

David Lerner: Hi, Graham. So what I think I heard was 77 meetings were set up in a month’s time, and you are moving forward with some percentage of that 77. Did you give a number there?

Rhon Daguro: So 77 are scheduled meetings, and of those 77, we created 19 opportunities, so about a 58% for the month of July.

David Lerner: Got it. Is it asking too much to know the average size of those 19?

Rhon Daguro: Little.

David Lerner: The average BARR?

Rhon Daguro: So the total BARR opportunity created for those 19 opportunities was $2.4 million, which I did state earlier, so nothing to hide there, $2.4 million in opportunities off those 19 opportunities.

David Lerner: And those are fast 100s?

Rhon Daguro: Absolutely, because the fast 100 accounts are the ones that we are going to show value to the market and show value to the business in the next six to nine months. The Strategic 100, they are the larger organizations. Think large, like very big banks, very big strategic organizations, those that are a little slower to move on adopting technology and so that’s how we’re planning on attacking those accounts.

David Lerner: And they are not in the $2.4 million. You’re separating these TPG meetings.

Rhon Daguro: Absolutely.

David Lerner: Okay. Well, thank you. Congratulations on your team. Good luck with your new financial folks and continued success to you, my friend.

Rhon Daguro: Thank you, David.

Operator: Thank you. At this time, I would like to turn the call back over to Rohn for closing remarks.

Rhon Daguro : Well, one, I wanted to thank everybody again for their extreme support, as well as their patience for us as we rebuild the organization and get this thing on its way. Hopefully, we will continue to share good results, which I know we will. So thank you for your questions and your time today. Thank you.

Operator: Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes today’s conference call. Thank you for your participation. You may now disconnect.

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