Atomera Incorporated (NASDAQ:ATOM) Q4 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Again, at very small process nodes, you can imagine if you have a feature on your transistor, that’s only several silicon atoms wide and you have open fluctuation and a few dopants moving into the wrong place is a real problem. So, one of the big advantages of MST is that we can help to tamp down that separate scattering. I mean, sorry, that random in — and that is also true for — I mean, almost all of those things are also true for the memory makers. Now the memory makers are not dealing with the same incredibly tiny geometries that they’re working with in advanced nodes. But they are having similar problems with the areas that I just talked about. So let me answer one other little part of your question. One of the interesting things about our solutions in those areas is that some of them can be implemented on a blanket wafer, meaning that we can make an MST wafer that doesn’t have to get integrated into the rest of the process flow.

It would be kind of on the starting wafer that they use to run things. When we start talking about something like that, first of all, it has the potential to be easier to integrate and therefore, faster time to revenue. Secondly, it gives us an opportunity to partner with some players in the industry who are wafer providers. And if we were able to do that, then that might give us a really easy channel into getting success at some of the semiconductor manufacturers. So, where people use much lower temperature manufacturing processes, they can use these types of solutions and that’s true for the most advanced nodes and for sometimes in RF SOI as well.

Mike Bishop: All right. So, one last question from the Q&A line here and that is about MST at STMicro and if it’s going to be used in more than the Smart Power products.

Scott Bibaud: Yes, nothing to announce there yet, obviously. STMicro is a big company. I think they’re learning about our technology and one of the things they can do with this new installation in their fab is just try it out on other technologies. So, we would be delighted if they tried something else out and decided that it was good for them. And we will certainly be encouraging that type of behavior.

Mike Bishop: All right. Well, if you want to proceed with any closing comments. Scott?

Scott Bibaud: Sure. All right. Well, I want to just thank you all for joining us today. I’m pleased to have shared with you our efforts toward commercialization and technology development this past year. Please continue to look for our news, articles and blog posts which are available, along with investor alerts on our website, Should you have additional questions, please contact Mike Bishop, who will be happy to follow up. Thank you again for your support and we look forward to our next update call.

Mike Bishop: Thank you, Scott. And this concludes the Atomera Conference Call.

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