Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ:ARCT) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript

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Joseph Payne: Yeah. There’s always safety checkpoints, but we’ve already got approval to proceed in a multiple ascending dose for six administrations, right? Always communicated as multiple subjects. But if every two weeks, there’s another administration. So, you can make your assumptions based on that, that there’s enrolled subjects that if they continued on in the study, of course, they would have multiple administrations so far.

Pete Stavropoulos: Okay. And moving on to 032. So congratulations on that. The enrollment seems to be going well. But just have — I know you briefly mentioned preclinical data in your prepared remarks. But if you can go into a little bit more detail, perhaps, Pad, what from the preclinical data sort of enhance our conviction to move into the human studies? And specifically, can you discuss the predictive value of the model? And how phenotypically similar? Is it to see patients, recapitulate human disease in the lungs? And has it been validated through other therapeutic agents?

Joseph Payne: Yeah. The CF ferret model is relatively new. It’s an exciting model that the CF Foundation and many others are recommending companies to utilize because it’s very likely more representative of the human condition because of the mucus that’s generated in the lungs and the CF ferret model. The key — so it’s difficult to speculate or confirm that this is a validated predictive model, but I think it’s very logic or to suggest that it’s more representative of the human condition because of the additional mucus in the lungs, I think that is a safe assumption. I would like to just point out that our approach has been different from previous approaches that we properly modify and also purify our messenger RNA molecule utilizing the Arcturus proprietary technology.

This is the first time an inhaled messenger RNA therapeutic for CF has entered the clinic utilizing the LUNAR technology. This technology has been highly optimized for bronchial epithelial cell delivery and been optimized to survive the mucus environment and optimized for inhalation and aerosolization processes. And then finally, we also note that this has also been uniquely optimized. The CFTR construct itself to increase functional activity. So, there’s a lot of differences in this therapeutic than what’s been tried before. So, we look at the CF ferret model as indicative, very meaningful because we just don’t see a lot of folks or companies or therapeutics being showcased in the specific model. So I think it could potentially be very meaningful.

Pete Stavropoulos: All right. Thank you for taking my questions.

Joseph Payne: Yes. Thank you, Pete.

Operator: That is all the time we have for questions, at this time. I’d like to hand the call back to Joseph Payne for closing remarks.

Joseph Payne: Hey, thanks. Thanks to everybody. So let me — thanks for participating on the call. If there’s any remaining questions, please reach out to the team, and we’ll get back to you right away and bye for now.

Operator: Ladies and gentlemen, this does conclude today’s teleconference. Thank you for your participation. You may disconnect your lines at this time and have a wonderful day.

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