Apple Inc. (AAPL) News: Shedding Light on Siri, Steve Wozniak, iPad Information, and More

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…5 percent of consumers considered themselves “very likely” to purchase a smart watch from Apple for themselves or someone else. Another 14 percent indicated they are “somewhat likely” to do the same. In comparison, 18 percent of consumers polled in January 2010 said they were likely to buy a hypothetical Apple tablet, with 4 percent of those “very likely.” And another poll conducted in 2005 found that the number of people interested in purchasing an Intel-based Mac was the same: 18 percent.

How Samsung Competes With Apple in Design (Forbes)
With the Galaxy S3 and the upcoming S4, Samsung has at least caught up with Apple’s design ethos. You can question whether or not Samsung is now a better designed product or not, but the word from the street is that kids do not find Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) all that cool – set that against the China market where everyone wants an iPad. Whereas we all now know a lot about Jony Ive, we know comparatively little about Samsung’ designers. I got a change to put some questions to Samsung Electronics chief mobile designer recently, by email, in order to get a better feel for the company’s design culture.

At $385.10, Apple Inc. ex-cash has never been so cheap (CNNMoney)
In the fall of 2000, when you could buy Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) for $7, the stock’s value measured by how much profit it was generating for each outstanding share — the famous PE ratio — hit an all-time low of 5.76, according to Wolfram Alpha. On Friday morning, when the stock touched $385.10, Apple’s value hit a new low. With $137.1 billion in cash and marketable securities as of December, Apple’s PE ratio ex-cash hit 5.42. That’s almost certainly a modern record for a company of this size, profitability and growth rate.

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