Apple Inc. (AAPL): ITC Bans iPhone and iPad, But Will Congress Intervene?

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The patents that were ruled to be infringed are actually considered standard-essential patents. These patents are generally subject to licensing by the patent-holder for fees that are considered FRAND (fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory). And because they are standard-essential, the argument is that other companies would have the right and ability to use the patents without fear of reprisal provided they pay the licensing fee to the patent-holder.

The White House, in fact, stepped in right after the ITC ruled against Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) and made a recommendation to Congress for the legislative body to consider limiting the power of the ITC to impose import bans on products that infringe standard-essential patents. Considering how Congress and the White House are not exactly BFFs, how and if this will be addressed in a question – and one that could have an effect across the entire tech industry.

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