Alamos Gold Inc. (NYSE:AGI) Q1 2024 Earnings Call Transcript

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Kerry Smith: Okay. And that $28 million to $30 million would not include the costs associated with the acquisition of Argonau, right?

Greg Fisher: Correct. The transaction costs would be separate from that.

Kerry Smith: Got you. Okay. perfect. That’s great. Thanks guys.

Operator: We have another question from Kerry Smith, Haywood Securities. Your line is open. Go ahead.

Kerry Smith: Okay. I’ll take a follow-up, if you don’t mind. Just on the transaction costs, Greg, when do you think those would be expensed like in which quarters or in just one quarter? Like how would it come through the income statement?

Greg Fisher: It would come through the income statement combined in the Q2 and in the Q3. Majority would probably be in the Q3 after close, because we expect to close in July. But we’re estimating about $20 million expense between the two quarters with the majority being in the third quarter.

Kerry Smith: In the Q3. Okay. That’s super helpful. Thank you. Appreciate it.

Operator: Thank you. There are no further questions at this time. This concludes this morning’s call. If you have any further questions that have not been answered, please feel free to contact Mr. Scott Parsons at 416-368-9932, extension 5439. You may now disconnect your lines. We thank you for your presence.

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