7 Most Hated Foods in the US According to Reddit

In this article, we will list the 7 Most Hated Foods in the US According to Reddit. If you want to see our complete list of the most hated foods in the US, head over to 20 Most Hated Foods in the US

7 – Meatloaf

What was once a household favorite is barely liked by people anymore, especially when there are more options to choose from to eat. Meatloaves are no longer a favorite for people living in the US. A user wrote: “See, Meatloaf is this big spongy beef loaf.” Most comments stated that they do not like meatloaf because of its texture and the way it feels in the mouth once you take a bite of it. One of the reasons many Americans do not like meatloaf is because of the ketchup inside it, which makes it taste bad for them.

6 – Mountain Dew

Who doesn’t like a can of soda? Sodas complement the food you are eating. However, as much as they like Pepsi, many Americans on Reddit claimed that they do not like Mountain Dew anymore. A person wrote: “Can’t even look at the bottle of Mountain Dew without feeling disgusted.” People hate it mostly because of the color of it, stating that it makes them skip the idea of trying it.

5 – Celery

Next up on our list is celery. Celery is a vegetable with which many people have a love-hate relationship. Some may like it, and some may not, however, there are a lot of people out there who simply cannot stand celery. A person on Reddit wrote: “Celery is the worst. How can anyone possibly like it is beyond me. It tastes disgusting.

4  – Mayonnaise

While mayonnaise may seem an important household condiment for burgers and salads, however, many Americans do not like to have it in their food. A food sensory consultant, Herbert Stones, states that approximately 20% of Americans do not like mayonnaise. One Reddit user says: “I hate when my office orders sandwiches for lunch and they all come with mayo.” Most comments that we came across stated that they did not like the taste of mayonnaise, and it has ruined some of the foods such as burgers.

3 – Polar Diet Soda

Polar Diet Soda is another soda drink that Americans completely hate to have. A user on Reddit wrote: “I once tried Polar’s diet soda, and it was awful.” They don’t like the taste of it as they feel the diet soda is like you’re drinking metal. People preferred any other diet soda over Polar’s diet soda. 

2 – Ketchup

While you may like ketchup in your burgers and on your fries, you may be surprised to hear that there are a couple of people living in the US who do not like ketchup. There was a comment which said: “I can’t abide ketchup.” Some users even said that one of the reasons they do not like meatloaf is because of the ketchup inside it. It’s not that all Americans hate ketchup, but there is a fair amount of people in the comments who hate ketchup in their meals.

1 – Cheese

You may find it odd to find cheese as the most hated food in the US, especially if you love having cheese sticks, however, this is not the type of cheese Americans hate to eat. Many Reddit users in the US said that they do not like cottage cheese, blue cheese, and Limburger. While they do not like the flavor of cottage cheese, their aversion towards the latter two cheese types is because of the way they smell. A user wrote: “Blue cheese, literally the thought of having it in my mouth makes me wanna gag.” Bacteria is the main reason behind such foul odor in these cheese types. You can check out our article about the 15 most imported cheeses in America.

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