5 Warmest States in the US in Winter

In this article, we will look into the 5 warmest states in the US in winter. If you want to read our detailed analysis, you can go directly to the 16 Warmest States in the US in Winter.

5. Georgia

Average Temperature (December 2023- February 2024): 49.3°F

Georgia is ranked among the warmest states in the US in winter. This winter, Georgia recorded an average temperature of 49.3°F. The 100-year average temperature of the state is 47.3°F.

4. Texas

Average Temperature (December 2023- February 2024): 50.8°F

Texas ranks 4th on our list. The state’s average temperature reached 50.8°F this winter season, up 3.5°F from its long-term average.

3. Louisiana

Average Temperature (December 2023- February 2024): 52.4°F

Louisiana ranks 3rd on our list of the warmest states in the US in winter. The state had an average temperature of 52.4°F this winter season. It is one of the warmest states in the US in winter.

2. Florida

Average Temperature (December 2023- February 2024): 60.3°F

Florida is ranked 2nd on our list. The average temperature of the state reached 60.3°F in the winter season. This was 1.6°F higher than its long-term average.

1. Hawaii

Estimated Average Temperature (December 2023- February 2024): 72.13°F

Hawaii tops our list of the warmest states in the US in winter. The estimated average temperature of the state was 72.13°F during the winter season.

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