5 States with the Most Tornadoes in the US

In this article, we will take a look at the 5 states with the most tornadoes in the US. If you wish to see our detailed analysis, you can go to 22 States with the Most Tornadoes in the US.

5. Mississippi

Total Number of Tornadoes (2023): 81

Mississippi saw 81 tornadoes during 2023. While several months recorded no tornadoes, February, March, and June recorded the highest monthly tornadoes. Therefore, Mississippi is one of the states with the most tornadoes in the US.

4. Texas

Total Number of Tornadoes (2023): 89

Texas records a high number of tornadoes among other states. In 2023, 89 tornadoes occurred in the state. 26 of these were seen to occur during June 2023.

3. Colorado

Total Number of Tornadoes (2023): 89

Tornadoes are also prevalent in Colorado. In 2023, 89 tornadoes in total were witnessed in the state. The month of June alone recorded 30 tornadoes in Colorado.

2. Alabama

Total Number of Tornadoes (2023): 101

Alabama recorded 101 tornadoes during 2023 out of which 49 were during January. Hence, Alabama ranks as one of the US states with the most tornadoes in the country.

1. Illinois

Total Number of Tornadoes (2023): 136

Illinois ranks at the top of the US states with the most tornadoes. In 2023, the state encountered 136 tornadoes in total. Month-wise, the highest tornadoes hit Illinois during April 2023.

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