5 States That Produce the Most Wine

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In this piece, we will take a look at the 5 states that produce the most wine. If you want to check out our detailed analysis of the wine industry in America and the global wine market, take a look at the 15 States That Produce the Most Wine.

5. Oregon

Wine Production by Gallons: 11,822,972

Oregon ranks as the fifth-largest wine-producing state in the United States. Its sprawling vineyards blanket approximately 31,000 acres of land, yielding an impressive harvest of around 60,000 tons of grapes. With over 70 different grape varieties grown in the state, more than 700 wineries benefit from this diverse abundance.

The fame of Oregon’s wine is largely attributed to its acclaimed Pinot Noir, which garnered top honors in the Wine Olympics of 1979. The region’s winemaking heritage dates back to 1847 when the first grape crops were cultivated. Subsequently, in the 1850s, Peter Britt founded the state’s inaugural winery in Jacksonville, marking a pivotal moment in Oregon’s wine history.

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