5 States that Produce the Most Craft Beer

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In this article, we are going to discuss the 5 states that produce the most craft beer. If you want to check out our detailed analysis of the rising popularity of craft beer in the U.S., the end of an era in American craft brewing, and the various unholy alliances in the craft industry, head to 20 States that Produce the Most Craft Beer.

5. Florida

Craft Beer Produced in 2022: 1,294,174 bbls

The craft breweries in Florida are putting their own spin on every style, reinvigorating forgotten styles, and developing approaches that challenge the palate. And they are all rooted in their communities.

The biggest Florida craft beer scene by far is in Tampa Bay, with more than two dozen breweries and brewpubs and more on the way. Funky Buddha and Cigar City Brewing are some of the popular names in the Sunshine State craft beer market. 

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