5 Most Valuable Software Companies in the World

4. Amazon.com, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN)

Amazon is a multinational conglomerate that provides cloud services, artificial intelligence, e-commerce, video streaming, and whatnot to perfection. Amazon.com was founded by Jeff Bezos from his garage in 1994. The first business plan of Amazon was to sell books online but not soon after, Jeff was selling electronics, software, furniture, video games, food, toys, turning his business idea into an e-commerce store. In 2015, through its massive popularity, Amazon surpassed Walmart as the most valuable retailer in the United States. In 2018, Amazon launched Amazon Prime, its two-day delivery service that surpassed 100 million subscribers throughout the world. Amazon also owns 41 subsidiaries and brands, including IMDb, Zappos.com, Goodreads, Whole Foods, etc. All of its diverse services have led Amazon to be a part of the Big Five companies, standing side by side with companies like Google, Microsoft, Apple, and Facebook.