5 Most Popular Social Networks In The World

4. Instagram  

Monthly Active Users: 2.3 billion  

Instagram’s meteoric rise has positioned it as a leading social network, celebrated for its visually engaging interface and boundless wells of inspiration. Its strength lies in spotlighting visual content, enabling creative expression, and forging connections through photos and videos. Boasting over 2 billion active monthly users, the platform has translated its massive popularity into a staggering ad revenue of over $50 billion in 2022, securing its status as a social network powerhouse.

Instagram’s universal appeal provides a platform for individuals to connect, share experiences, and discover diverse content across fashion, beauty, food, travel, and more. Its significance extends to business realms, with 71% of its user base under 35 years old, making it a prime B2C marketing channel. Notably, Instagram outperforms competitors in engagement rates, with an average 23% higher engagement rate than Facebook.