5 Most Popular Religions in the World

3. Hinduism

No. of Adherents: 1.162 billion

Hinduism is one of the world’s oldest religions, with a complex and diverse array of beliefs, practices, and philosophies. Central to Hinduism is the concept of dharma, or duty/righteousness, and karma, the law of cause and effect governing one’s actions and their consequences across lifetimes. Hinduism encompasses a wide spectrum of beliefs, including monotheism, polytheism, and pantheism. It is characterized by a reverence for the Vedas, ancient scriptures containing hymns, rituals, and philosophical teachings, as well as the belief in the eternal soul (atman) and the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth (samsara). Hinduism worships various deities, including Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, and Devi (the Goddess), and emphasizes the pursuit of four primary goals in life: Dharma (duty/righteousness), Artha (wealth/prosperity), Kama (pleasure/desire), and Moksha (liberation from the cycle of rebirth). Hinduism encompasses a rich tapestry of rituals, festivals, and cultural traditions that vary regionally and by sect.