5 Most Popular Finance Podcasts

3. The Mad Fientist

The Mad Fientist is a podcast focused on financial independence. It is placed third on our list of 10 most popular finance podcasts. The podcast is hosted by a former software engineer who successfully achieved financial independence and retired in his mid-thirties. The host also has a blog by the same name as the podcast. Some of the famous guests on the podcast have been Mr. Money Mustache and JD Roth, among dozens of others who advocate for early retirement. The podcast is available for download on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. 

The Mad Fientist usually records a few podcasts per year that focus heavily on savings and cost-cutting methods that aim to help the average citizen in the US save money. Some of the topics that the podcast features heavily include tips to avoid debt, increase savings, clever investment strategies, tax minimization, and cutting down on everyday living costs. The host claims to use advanced strategies, spreadsheets, and software tools to help people make better money-related decisions.