5 Most Popular Fast Foods in the US

In this article, we take a look at the 5 most popular fast foods in the US. If you want to view our detailed analysis of the US fast food industry and its changing trends, you can check out 25 Most Popular Fast Foods in the US.

5. Nuggets

Score: 21

In 2018, Americans consumed 2.3 billion servings of nuggets at restaurants, making them one of the most popular fast food items in the US. However, recent years have seen a drop in nugget sales, one of the biggest reasons for which is rising health concerns. Consumer trends are now shifting towards an increased demand for plant-based nuggets, which are perceived as a healthier option.

4. Cheeseburgers

Score: 24

It’s a little challenging to segment the burger market in the US by specific product sales, as multiple versions have proven quite popular across the board. However, in a poll survey by YouGov of more than 9,000 Americans, cheese was discovered to be the most popular topping, chosen by 67% of the respondents. Thus, the classic cheeseburger is a simple choice that many enjoy having.

3. Chicken Sandwich

Score: 24

Chicken sandwiches appear on almost 48% of American menus, making them one number third on the list of the most popular fast food items in the US. The rising demand for this meal has grown hand-in-hand with the increasing consumption of chicken meat in the country. A survey of Mcdonalds Corp (NYSE:MCD) in 2021 revealed that their average restaurant sells up to 170 chicken sandwiches daily. Popeyes used to be the most popular option for chicken sandwiches, but the product being launched by bigger chains has shifted market revenues.

2. Tacos

Score: 24

The US taco market is estimated to be in billions, with Taco Bell being one of the leading contenders in the industry. In the first quarter of 2023, the taco giant reported a sales growth of 9% and a global operating profit growth of 10%. The company also made it to TIME Magazine’s 100 Most Influential Companies of 2022, which only had one other restaurant on the list. Tacos have become one of the most popular fast food items in the US because of their ease of customization.

1. Hamburgers

Score: 25

Hamburgers are a fulfilling meal option available everywhere, leading them to become the most popular fast food item in the US. A hamburger meal is a quintessential option in American cuisine, loved by everyone across the 50 states. One of the biggest testaments to the popularity of hamburgers is that some of the oldest restaurants serving the food still stand today, having withstood events like the Great Depression and the COVID-19 pandemic. Examples include family-owned eateries like Louis’ Lunch in New Haven, Connecticut, and Cozy Inn in Salina, Kansas.

Disclosure: None. You can also check out 20 Most Popular Fast Food Restaurants In The World and 10 Most Expensive Fast Food and Fast Casual Restaurants Right Now.