5 Most Overworked Countries in Asia

2. United Arab Emirates

Average Hours Per Employed Person: 50.9

According to a study by Kisi, Dubai ranks as the most overworked city globally. Despite this, expats in the city find solace in its numerous perks, balancing work with leisure. With a structured workweek of up to 48 hours and ample annual leave, Dubai’s labor laws seemingly promote work-life balance. However, expatriates, who constitute 85% of the population, face unique pressures, particularly those from low- to medium-income countries. The fear of job loss looms large, exacerbating stress and contributing to burnout, which often goes unrecognized until it becomes debilitating.

Conversely, Dubai’s allure lies in its financial benefits, including generous overtime pay and the absence of income tax. Expatriates, drawn by the promise of higher earnings and a comfortable lifestyle, navigate the city’s transient nature with relative ease. Yet, the emphasis on results and professional growth underscores the relentless pace of Dubai’s corporate culture. While the city offers a pampered lifestyle with convenient services and amenities, the high-stakes environment perpetuates a cycle of stress and burnout, necessitating vigilance for early signs of mental exhaustion.