5 Most Litigious Companies in America

2. Coach Inc

Case filed: 676

Coach is a renowned American luxury fashion house that specializes in designing and manufacturing high-quality leather handbags, luggage, accessories, and ready-to-wear fashion items. 

Coach has been actively involved in protecting its brand and intellectual property rights. Over the past decade, the company has filed a total of 676 cases, demonstrating its commitment to combating counterfeiting and protecting its designs from unauthorized use.

One notable legal victory for Coach occurred in 2012 when the company won an $8 million jury award in a counterfeiting case. The lawsuit was filed in a federal district court in Los Angeles and marked the first verdict against a customs brokerage firm. 

Typically, importers rely on customs brokerage firms to handle the necessary paperwork for importing goods. This landmark case showcased Coach’s determination to tackle counterfeiting and protect its brand integrity.

This successful outcome was part of Coach’s broader anticounterfeiting litigation campaign called “Operation Turnlock.” Since its initiation in May 2009, Coach has filed over 676 lawsuits as part of this campaign and has secured significant judgments and settlements, amounting to millions of dollars.