5 Most Famous Personalities in the World

4. Princess Diana

The fourth person to make it to our list is the enchanting Princess Diana. Known as the ‘people’s princess’, she has left a vast legacy behind her. Known for her kind character, charismatic personality, and chic fashion style, her influence to this day remains unprecedented.

Born in a noble family, Diana was quick to move out and experience independence on her terms. Despite coming from a distinguished background Diana did not possess the arrogance one might expect from someone of her stature and worked several low-paying jobs. Even here, she was known for her down-to-earth personality and her kind heart.

Diana was only 17 when she met Prince Charles and soon after, their courtship began. Diana’s popularity stemmed from her unconventional approach to her philanthropic endeavors. She showed empathy and was able to form instant connections with people from all walks of her life. Moreover, she always showed innate kindness and humbleness that royalty from that time didn’t possess. She showed emotions and it was due to her profound impact of hugging a seven-year-old child suffering from AIDS that she was able to greatly destigmatize the misconceptions regarding this disease. She was averse to coming into contact with HIV and AIDS patients and is regarded by the LGBTQ as a ‘gay icon’. She was a patron for a variety of charities and was highly regarded in philanthropic circles. So dominant was she in her popularity that, in 2002, she was ranked on the BBCs poll of the 100 Greatest Britons above the Queen and other British Monarchs.

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