5 Most Elite US Military Special Forces and Their Role

2. Naval Special Warfare Development Group (DEVGRU)

The Naval Special Warfare Development Group, often known as DEVGRU or SEAL Team 6, is a counter-terrorism and special reconnaissance force under the command of the US Navy. It is a tier-1 special operations unit in the military on par with the Delta Force. The unit is made up from personnel from the existing Navy SEALs team, and is organized into four line squadrons of 50 operators each. DEVGRU’s track record is among the most impressive. The team is tasked with only the most dangerous and secretive operations. As far as their role goes, they’re only tasked with the most dangerous and secretive special operations. DEVGRU was responsible for taking out Osama Bin Laden, the then leader of Al-Qaeda, back in 2011 in his hideout in Abbottabad, Pakistan.