5 Most Eco-Friendly Cities in the World

In this article, we look at the 5 most eco-friendly cities in the world. If you would like to see our detailed analysis of the sustainability of urban infrastructures, you can read the 20 Most Eco-Friendly Cities in the World

05. London, United Kingdom 

Average Rating: 9.3 

40% of the area in Greater London is covered in green spaces, covering almost 35,000 acres of land. The city’s mayor has set an ambitious plan for net-zero carbon emissions by 2030, revising the initial target of 2050. London is also considered a global leader in green buildings and energy efficiency. The UK was the world’s first country to introduce a rating system for green buildings, known as the BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method). This is what has enabled London to achieve its place in green infrastructure.

04. Paris, France 

Average Rating: 9

As the home of the Paris Agreement, the city plans to become the greenest city in Europe by 2030. This has led the city to introduce multiple climate initiatives like the ‘15-minute city’ idea. The concept is to place all essential services within 15 minutes of any home to empower the local economy and encourage walking and cycling. The city has also passed a resolution to ban diesel cars by 2024 and petrol cars by 2030. The government is also offering zero-interest eco loans as encouragement to homeowners.

03. Stockholm, Sweden

Average Rating: 3.3 

CIMI Score: 06

As one of the most eco-friendly cities in the world, Stockholm aims to be free of fossil fuels by 2050. The city has combined heating and power plants powered by renewable sources like biofuels, dramatically reducing CO2 emissions. 80% of all trips within the city are taken on its extensive public transportation system. Just like Paris, Stockholm also provides building owners with financial incentives to become more energy-efficient while also incorporating strict criteria for upholding this standard.

02. Copenhagen, Denmark

Average Rating: 3.3 

CIMI Score: 03

The energy in Copenhagen is generated mainly by waste products from both human households and animals, making this one of the most eco-friendly cities in the world. The energy distribution system is also quite efficient, such as the heat that may otherwise be lost during power generation is instead recaptured and utilized for other purposes. The city also has an extensive network of sensors that monitor the consumption of energy and water, making the city a prime case study of how data can be used for environmental sustainability.

01. Oslo, Norway

Average Rating: 1.6

Oslo is currently the most eco-friendly city in the world, as showcased by its rankings in the top two for all three indices we utilized. The majority of this can be attributed to the combined effect of a large number of green spaces and extremely low carbon emissions. Oslo was the first city in the world to launch a zero-emission construction site with such low noise levels that it boosted the productivity of the workers on site. The city has committed to making all municipal construction projects zero-emission by 2025. Such innovative initiatives have awarded the city with this top ranking.

Disclosure: None. Check out 30 Best Cities to Live in the World in 2023 and 25 Most Environmentally Friendly Companies in the World.