5 Most Affordable Grocery Stores In the US

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In this article, we will be taking a look at the 5 most affordable grocery stores in the US. if you wish to learn about more, head straight to the 15 Most Affordable Grocery Stores In the US.

5. Market Basket 

Value for Money: 81% of Respondents 

Market Basket stands fifth among the most affordable grocery stores in the US and had a revenue of $4 billion in 2023. The company operates 90 stores across New England, primarily in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, and Rhode Island. Market Basket’s business model is driven by volume, with an average of 2.1 million customer transactions per week. A recent study by the consumer nonprofit Boston Consumers’ Checkbook found out that Market Basket’s prices are about 18% lower than its Boston-area competitors which means that a family spending $250 per week on groceries could end up saving over $2,300 annually by shopping at Market Basket compared to other local grocery chains.

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