5 Largest Factoring Companies in the US

2. Riviera Finance

Revenue: $264.80 M
Number of employees: 159
Market cap: 13.84 M
Minimum Rate Percentage: 2%
Maximum Account Receivable: $5 million

Riviera Finance (RVRA US: OTC) was founded in 1969 and is well-known for its 20 business development centers nationwide. The top leading factoring company operates in all 50 states of the US and Canada. One of the best deals the company offers is their FastCredit that provides businesses the cash they need in 24 hours. A lot of businesses take advantage of this quick turnaround time. Riviera Finance handles 20,000 customer accounts every month. The company provides factoring services to a variety of industries that sells products or services on terms not exceeding 60 days such as temporary staffing agencies, printing companies, manufacturers, wholesalers, and trucking.
Riviera Financing does not require any start-up fees and gives preliminary approvals within 24-48 hours. Plus, you don’t need to have an established business to get approved. Small and medium enterprises are encouraged to apply for a factoring service is able to help their business grow. The only downside is Riviera Financing will ask you to sign a contract for six months. Nevertheless, you can adjust this term depending on your needs.