5 Highest Quality Diamonds in the World

This article takes a look at the 5 Highest Quality Diamonds in the World. If you wish to check out our detailed analysis on the Diamond Industry, its trends and other high-quality diamonds, you may go to the 15 Highest Quality Diamonds in the World.

5. The Winston Pink Legacy:

Price per Carat: $2.658 Million

Discovered in South Africa around 1918, the Pink Legacy Diamond, an awe-inspiring 18.96-carat gem, was once owned by the distinguished Oppenheimer family of De Beers fame. In 2018, it found a new home with Harry Winston during an esteemed Christie’s auction. This diamond, with its rectangular cut and captivating fancy vivid pink color, graces a platinum ring, complemented by two shield-cut colorless diamonds that enhance its beauty. Valued at approximately $50.3 million, the Pink Legacy stands as one of the world’s most valuable diamonds, symbolizing its rich history and unmatched allure.

4. The Oppenheimer Blue Diamond:

Price per Carat: $3.933 Million

The Oppenheimer Blue Diamond, a marvel in the realm of rare fancy vivid blue diamonds, is named after its previous owner and renowned diamond enthusiast, Sir Philip Oppenheimer. Weighing around 14.62 carats, its rectangular emerald cut showcases its captivating color with brilliance. In a stunning auction moment in 2016, this extraordinary gem fetched an astonishing $50.6 million, securing its place among the most expensive diamonds ever sold. The identity of the lucky buyer remains a mystery, adding an intriguing allure to the legacy of this exceptional blue diamond.

3. The Blue Moon of Josephine Diamond:

Price per Carat: $4.0233 Million

The captivating Blue Moon of Josephine emerged in 2014 from the sun-kissed lands of South Africa, captivating the world with its exquisite beauty. In a glamorous moment in Geneva in 2015, this stunning 12.03-carat diamond found a new home at an auction, purchased by Hong Kong billionaire and passionate art and diamond collector, Joseph Lau Luen-Hung. The name “Josephine” was given to honor Lau’s beloved 7-year-old daughter.

This celestial gem, boasting a cushion cut and a mesmerizing fancy vivid blue color, is often revered as flawless by experts. Valued at approximately $48.4 million, the Blue Moon of Josephine represents a convergence of natural perfection and artistic craftsmanship. It continues to shine as a radiant testament to the timeless connection between rare diamonds and the stories they hold.

2.The Hope Diamond:

Price per Carat: $7.689 Million

The enigmatic dark blue hue of the Hope Diamond stems from the presence of boron, adding to its timeless mystery. Although its exact origin remains uncertain, the diamond is believed to have surfaced during the 17th century, potentially originating from the legendary Kollur Mine. Weighing around 45 carats, this gem showcases an antique cushion cut, embodying the elegance witnessed throughout the centuries.

The journey of the Hope Diamond through time is a captivating tale of changing ownership, contributing to its rich and storied legacy. Since 1958, the illustrious diamond has found its home within the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, weaving its historical narrative into the fabric of the museum’s collection.

Beyond its monetary value as one of the most expensive diamonds in the world, the Hope Diamond transcends to embody centuries of allure and intrigue. Its captivating presence leaves visitors spellbound, echoing the stories of bygone eras. Valued at an estimated $350 million, this gem stands as a testament to the awe-inspiring craftsmanship of nature and a priceless relic resonating with tales from the ages.

1.The Koh-I-Noor (Mountain of Light Diamond):

Price per Carat: Priceless!

At the pinnacle of the gemstone realm, we find the Koh-i-Noor, an iconic white diamond that defies expectations with its lack of vibrant hues, but commands reverence nonetheless. Translating to “mountain of light,” this legendary diamond tells a tale of intrigue and mystery so captivating that countless books have been dedicated to its extraordinary history. Weighing an astonishing 105.6 carats, the Koh-i-Noor ranks among the largest cut diamonds, adorned with a brilliant oval cut that exudes timeless elegance.

Believed to have been born in the ancient Kollur Mine of India, this diamond has traversed centuries, changing hands until it eventually found its place in the possession of Queen Victoria. Its acquisition is surrounded by controversy, with a narrative that reflects a complex and contentious history between India and Britain. Adding to its mystique, the Koh-i-Noor is believed to bring ill fortune to men, leading only female family members to dare to wear it since its arrival in the U.K.

Today, this priceless gem is a standout among the British Crown Jewels, adorning the Crown of Britain with regal splendor. The Koh-i-Noor, with its storied past and enduring allure, stands not only as a magnificent gem but also as a symbol of historical complexity and the convergence of cultures. It truly holds its place as a treasure within the illustrious tapestry of the world’s most renowned diamonds.

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