5 Highest Paying Countries for Animators

3. United States

Average Salary: $92,530

Special Effects Artists and Animators, have a median salary of $98,950 per year or $47.57 per hour and typically hold a Bachelor’s degree in the US. Entry into this field usually requires no prior work experience or on-the-job training. As of 2022, there were 89,300 jobs in this field, with an expected 8% job outlook from 2022 to 2032. Over the same period, an employment change of 7,400 new positions is anticipated. 

Moreover, Los Angeles, California, is known as the entertainment capital of the world and is also one of the cities known for 2D animators. With major players such as MGM, Disney, Sony Pictures, and DreamWorks, alongside numerous smaller studios, LA is one of the cities where most of animation studios located.