5 Hardest Languages to Learn in the World for Non-English Speakers

In this article, we will look at the 5 hardest languages to learn in the world for non-English speakers. If you want to read our detailed analysis of the Arabic language and the economic outlook of the MENA region, you can go directly to the 17 Hardest Languages to Learn in the World for Non-English Speakers.

5. Korean

Average Rank: 6.2

Number of Mentions: 5

Korean is the 5th hardest language to learn for non-English speakers on our list. It is most commonly spoken in countries including North and South Korea, China, Japan, and parts of the United States. Korean is a complex language that follows an old writing system, making it difficult to learn for non-English speakers.

4. Russian

Average Rank: 5.4

Number of Mentions: 4

Russian is Russia’s official and cultural language belonging to the East Slavic language family. The Russian language uses six case forms, including genitive, normative, dative, accusative, instrumental, and locative. The language also has various vowels and consonants that are pronounced with different tongue movements, thus making it difficult for non-English speakers to learn and speak.

3. Finnish

Average Rank: 4.2

Number of Mentions: 3

Finnish ranks as the 3rd hardest language to learn on our list, with an average rank of 4.2. It is widely spoken in Finland and belongs to the Uralic language family. Finnish, along with Swedish, are Finland’s official languages.

2. Mandarin

Average Rank: 2

Number of Mentions: 5

Mandarin is the most commonly spoken dialect of Chinese and is usually adopted as a second language by those who speak other dialects of Chinese. Four main tones distinguish words and syllables with similar meanings, including rising, falling, level, and high-rising, making it tricky for non-English speakers to learn.

1. Arabic

Average Rank: 1.8

Number of Mentions: 5

Arabic ranks as the hardest language to learn in the world for non-English speakers on our list. It is a Semitic language most commonly spoken in the Middle East and North Africa. The language is especially unique as it is written from right to left, unlike many other languages, and is categorized as tricky to learn due to its technical grammar.

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