5 Hardest Countries to Get Citizenship by Naturalization

In this article, we discuss the 5 Hardest Countries to Get Citizenship by Naturalization. If you want to check out our detailed analysis, go directly to 16 Hardest Countries to Get Citizenship by Naturalization.

5. Italy

Residency Requirement for naturalization: 10 years

For non-EU citizens, the naturalization process in Italy is quite lengthy, making it one of the most challenging for naturalization. At least 10 years of residency is mandatory for them. However, for EU citizens, this requirement drops substantially to four years. In addition, proof of sufficient income, knowledge of the Italian language, and a clean criminal record are also other requirements that must be met.

4. Greece

Residency Requirement for naturalization: 10 years

For immigrants hoping to settle down in Greece, the naturalization process is a significant consideration. The country requires applicants to reside for at least 10 years before they can be granted citizenship. Furthermore, demonstrating proper integration into society is essential. This includes showing proficiency in the Greek language, as well as knowledge of Greek culture and history. A clean criminal record and other requirements mentioned in Greek citizenship laws must also be fulfilled.

3. Spain

Residency Requirement for naturalization: 10 years

Spain’s naturalization process for citizenship is among the most challenging. The residency requirement for naturalization spans at least 10 years, and in most cases, even longer. Like other countries with lengthy and convoluted processes, Spain also imposes certain criteria. A clean criminal record is necessary, and integration into Spanish society must be established. This requires passing language as well as civic tests. Furthermore, while the country does recognize dual citizenship, it is only for specific Latin American countries.

2. Slovenia

Residency Requirement for naturalization: 10 years

Slovenia also requires a 10-year stay in the country to qualify for citizenship, with the last five years being consecutive. Additionally, the applicant must prove they have sufficient financial means to support themselves, have no criminal record, provide proof of paid taxes, demonstrate that their citizenship does not harm the public, and take an oath to respect the Slovenian constitution. While dual citizenship is recognized, similar to Spain, it is only in select cases. Thus. Slovenia is also one of the hardest countries to get citizenship through naturalization.

1. Switzerland

Residency Requirement for naturalization: 10 years

One of the more complicated paths to naturalization compared to average Western European countries, Switzerland ranks among the top of our list for the hardest countries to obtain citizenship through naturalization. The applicant must reside in the country for at least 10 years and demonstrate full integration into Swiss society. This entails respecting the Swiss constitution, laws, and order, as well as demonstrating full proficiency in one of the Swiss official languages. Additionally, they should participate in the economic life of the country.

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