5 Easiest Instruments To Learn To Play For Beginners

In this article, we will talk about 5 easiest instruments to learn to play for beginners. You can read our detailed analysis by heading straight to 15 Easiest Instruments To Learn To Play For Beginners.

5. Harmonica

Number of Mentions: 3

Average Ranking Across Sources: 6.7

Harmonica is one of the easiest instruments to learn to play for beginners. It is a mouth organ used in almost all genres, including pop and jazz. It is used in many musical genres including American folk music, classical music, jazz, country, and rock.

4. Drums

Number of Mentions: 3

Average Ranking Across Sources: 6.3

Drums are struck with a stick, mallet, or hand to make music. Drums have various options and are one of the most beginner-friendly music instruments. Drums are one of the oldest musical instruments and in many cultures are used in religious ceremonies as well.

3. Ukelele

Number of Mentions: 3

Average Ranking Across Sources: 4.3

The ukelele has a very distinct sound and is easy to carry. The instrument has four nylon strings that can be struck to create music. Uke is a highly portable and relatively inexpensive instrument which makes it a good choice for beginners.

2. Recorder

Number of Mentions: 3

Average Ranking Across Sources: 2.3

The recorder is a woodwind musical instrument. The instrument comes in many shapes and sizes. The instrument was first documented in Europe in the Middle Ages.

1. Guitar

Number of Mentions: 4

Average Ranking Across Sources: 10.3

Guitar is one of the most popular musical instruments. It is on top of our list of easiest music instruments to learn to play for beginners. The guitar is used in a wide variety of musical genres including pop, rock, and folk. 

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