5 Easiest Instruments to Learn for Adults and Retirees

3. Piano

Insider Monkey Score: 4

One of the favorite musical instruments of retirees and adults is the piano. While the instrument can take some time to learn, most seniors would take less time since most of them grew up with one. Basic piano knowledge can greatly help individuals fare better when learning this instrument but the thing about piano is that its very easy for basics but can be one of the hardest instruments to learn at more advanced levels.

The best way to learn a piano is from a teacher in your locality. However, if that option isn’t available, the internet is full of useful resources as well. While the piano is usually read with piano sheets, using YouTube is easier as they teach songs by sight by showing which keys to press.

Learning the piano isn’t just a fun pastime for retirees. It is also a way to improve hand coordination and strengthen memory. A study from Harvard has also shown that playing the piano helps dementia patients relieve their symptoms to some extent.