5 Countries That Produce The Best Hackers

3. Republic of Korea

ITU GCI Ranking: 4

BCNCPI Ranking: 8

MTRICDI Ranking: 3

Average Score: 5

The businesses and organizations in South Korea, known as one of the most powerful tech hubs, have evolved into some of the most alluring targets for hackers. Similar to other digital nations, regular cyber-attacks against private and political institutions have become more commonplace in recent years.

Attacks against private enterprises have increased by 119.5% since 2017. Almost 7,000 instances of online hacking were reported nationwide in 2021, with 9 out of 10 incidents being carried out by malicious code hidden infections.

A serious data breach affecting two well-known websites, Nate (popular search engine) and Cyworld (social networking site), occurred in South Korea in 2021. Reports indicate that over 35 million users had their personal information, including names, phone numbers, email, resident registration numbers, and passwords, stolen by hackers believed to be from China. This incident highlights the growing issue of digital security in the country.