5 Countries That Have Nuclear Weapons Or Nuclear Power Technology

3. China

Number of Nuclear Warheads in 2022: 350 – 400

China’s first nuclear test took place on October 16, 1964. It was called Project 596. According to some sources, China has 350 warheads. However, Pentagon disagrees and believes that the country has a stockpile of over 400 warheads and is projected to take this number up to 1,500 by 2035. Nevertheless, China is one of the countries that advocates the complete dismantling of nuclear weapons by all countries.

China is working fast towards its ‘carbon neutrality by 2060’ goal and nuclear-powered electricity generation is one of the steps that the country is taking toward it. Currently, nuclear power generates 3% of the country’s electricity. Currently, China has plans to build 150 new reactors, worth $440 billion by 2035, and 17 of them are already under construction.

For its nuclear power generation program, China has made a deal with Kazakhstan, which is the largest Uranium producer in the world.